Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hello aus Deutschland!

Maybe this will do! Finally figured out how to type in the text box... Grrrrr! Still learning on the new iPhone. Germany is even better than I expected. Bad Salzuflen is the perfect sized town. I can walk just about everywhere. It's amazing to walk through a forest to get to town or just for leisure or exercise. Still seems a little surreal! Today a very nice german police officer showed me around the city and took me to the ratskeller, German for "city hall.". Have only been here since Monday and already have walked in the forest, taken a bus, seen Katha's school, been to a soccer game, and visited with new friends. Of course I have tried new foods too including bratwurst with curry, nudeln lauf , and French fries with mayo on them! The breads are wonderful... Today I bought a roll just because it was called... Get roll. I think it must mean that you need fitness AFTER you consume the whole roll as I did!

Well, more later. Sorry for all the mistakes...difficult typing on the phone keyboard!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Germany... in three days

Did I say three days!!! I can't believe it's almost here. I had a to-do list a mile long... got a lot of things checked off the list, but then kept on finding things to add. I hope I can keep up the blog from my new iPhone. Need to give it a try... before I go.

Here's the Albuquerque pictures!

Wow, check out this sunset. It had rained in Albuqueque that afternoon, and the sunset was just gorgeous. These were made from my dad's street in front of his house. Also here's some of my family at Elephant Butte lake, where my sister has a lakehouse.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Next trip: to Albuquerque

I'm going to Albuquerque next week. There are so many things I like about Albuquerque. First of all, my daddy and my sister live there. I'm looking forward to our visit. And the weather is always some of the best. I don't mind the Albuquerque 'hot' because there is almost no humidity, so I have great hair there! Just always have to rememeber my chapstick and moisturizer. At night, the lights of Albuquerque are just beautiful from daddy's house. And for some reason I ALWAYS feel like working out there. I look forward to my early morning walks along Tramway's hike/bike trail.

I guess I have more than ONE city that feels like home, since I moved around a lot. Born a Texan (Bonham), first move was to Oklahoma City when I was five ...or was I six? From there on to Grand Junction, Colorado... Hampton, Virginia, and then, in late 1971, Albuquerque. The city was no stranger though. We'd been going there to see my Aunt Glenda, Uncle Harold, and cousin Phil, since I was born. They'd moved there in the 50's. So it's much like home...

I'll be back with pictures and news about the trip when I return... wish Bucky was going too, but someone has to work! Sorry Hon....

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Short trip Dallas/ Frisco

Yesterday I took a short trip up to Dallas and Frisco... got to visit with my highschool friend, Belinda. Made plans to get together with her when I go to Germany, since she has lived there for 24 years! Also, got to visit with Charlie, Annette, Aunt Mary Jo, Nancy, Mandy, Michah, and Debbie... Nice to get to see so many friends and family even though it was a short visit. Trying to get a few extra visits in to see everyone before I make the Germany trip.
Everytime I'm in Frisco (TX) I can't help but be nostalgic about it's growth. It's supposed to be (in MY mind anyway) my little smalltown where my mother's family is all from. I remember when the population sign at the edge of town said 1800. Now, it's SO huge. It sure isn't the same as it was, even 10 years ago. But I am impressed with their city government and their interest in preserving some of the heritage and history of Frisco.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Our Most Recent Family Vacation: Miami/Key West

Took Callie and Katha and went to Miami Beach and Key West in July. Stayed at the Fontainebleau Hotel... wow, great beach, great pool... my only complaint would be the parking and food were TOO much, so we worked on other options for those. A little bakery/market about three blocks away had THE best spinach empanada's!
Key West was awesome, and our favorites were a sunset cruise (complete with a band for Bucky's liking) and a snorkeling trip into the gulf -- saw dolphins, swam on a sand bar... beautiful day!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Going to Germany...

I am so excited to be preparing for a trip to Germany. Katha, our German "daughter" and former exchange student, and her parents have offered me a place to stay in their city of Bad Salzuflen, Germany. I will basically get to be there in October and November of this year. This has been a lifelong dream of mine. Not just to VISIT, but to actually LIVE in another country -- experiencing the daily life of another culture. Although I have studied German more than I care to admit, I haven't really spoken it in years. High school days and college German classes are many years past, and I have a lot of brushing up to do. I suspect being immersed in the culture daily will be the best way to refresh my German conversation skills....

More later,