Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hello aus Deutschland!

Maybe this will do! Finally figured out how to type in the text box... Grrrrr! Still learning on the new iPhone. Germany is even better than I expected. Bad Salzuflen is the perfect sized town. I can walk just about everywhere. It's amazing to walk through a forest to get to town or just for leisure or exercise. Still seems a little surreal! Today a very nice german police officer showed me around the city and took me to the ratskeller, German for "city hall.". Have only been here since Monday and already have walked in the forest, taken a bus, seen Katha's school, been to a soccer game, and visited with new friends. Of course I have tried new foods too including bratwurst with curry, nudeln lauf , and French fries with mayo on them! The breads are wonderful... Today I bought a roll just because it was called... Get roll. I think it must mean that you need fitness AFTER you consume the whole roll as I did!

Well, more later. Sorry for all the mistakes...difficult typing on the phone keyboard!